Friday, April 29, 2011

READING: The Girl In The Steel Corset by Kady Cross

The Girl In The Steel Corset by Kady Cross

Publication date: May 24th, 2011
Published by: Harlequin Teen
Genre: Steampunk YA
Source: NetGalley
Rating: 4/5
Eligible for Debut Author Challenge 2011
In 1897 England, sixteen-year-old Finley Jayne has no one…except the "thing" inside her.

When a young lord tries to take advantage of Finley, she fights back. And wins. But no normal Victorian girl has a darker side that makes her capable of knocking out a full-grown man with one punch….

Only Griffin King sees the magical darkness inside her that says she's special, says she's one of them. The orphaned duke takes her in from the gaslit streets against the wishes of his band of misfits: Emily, who has her own special abilities and an unrequited love for Sam, who is part robot; and Jasper, an American cowboy with a shadowy secret.

Griffin's investigating a criminal called The Machinist, the mastermind behind several recent crimes by automatons. Finley thinks she can help—and finally be a part of something, finally fit in.

But The Machinist wants to tear Griff's little company of strays apart, and it isn't long before trust is tested on all sides. At least Finley knows whose side she's on—even if it seems no one believes her.
I have never read steampunk before, so that makes The Girl With The Steel Corset my first one. I didn't know what to expect at first and honestly, I had second thoughts about requesting it from NetGalley, because I wasn't so sure how a historical YA romance could be given an industrial feel and still be able to not sound ridiculous. Turned out TGITSC was a far cry from ridiculous!

Kady Cross did an awesome job building this semi - futuristic world in the late 1800s. In one hand you have women walking around in gowns with puffed elbows, ribbons and all that and on the other you see automatons, robot - like creatures made of steel and iron, which are made to serve humans and basically do their bidding. 
Thanks to Cross's skillful writing, you are always well aware that what you're reading is indeed historical, despite the industrial and futuristic add ons here and there.
Also the story is brilliant, full of intrigue and twists at every corner. It is apparent that the plot is very well thought out by Cross and that she didn't leave anything to chance. 

I liked all the characters in TGITSC. Women kicked major ass maybe even more than men. What I like about the characters is that they are quite a bunch of them, 3 women and 5 men, and they each have a distinct voice and character. It's not like one of those books in which after a while everyone seems blurry and hazy and you're having trouble remembering their names. 
Also, TGWTSC has a lot of romances to choose from, so I guess even the most demanding reader will be satisfied. Especially when same people are part of various (potential)romances...
My personal favourite is Sam. And Jasper. And Dandy. And Griff. Ugh.
Ok Sam. I've decided. He is well-built, freakishly tall, kinda monster of a man, with a tortured soul. I was sold right from the start!

Overall, although I wished it was maybe 100 pages shorter, I really enjoyed The Girl With The Steel Corset. I think it's an awesome steampunk debut and one that I recommend to anyone that has never read steampunk and is willing to start!

How amazing is this cover?

This book has been given to me by NetGalley, free of charge.
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  1. That cover is gorgoeus! Steampunk seems to be everywhere right now. :O)

  2. I have downloaded this one too. It will also be my first steampunk so I enjoyed reading your thoughts on it. :)

  3. I didn't think I'd read any steampunk novels until I read somewhere that the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman is considered steampunk.

    The cover is really amazing! And I like the sound of the story too! I think I'll have to get my hands on this one as soon as possible! Lovely review! :)



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