Wednesday, June 12, 2019

READING: The Duke by Gaelen Foley

Publication date: November 28 2000
Published by: Ivy Books
Genre: Adult, Romance, Historical, Chick Lit

Driven to uncover the truth about the mysterious death of his ladylove, the Duke of Hawkscliffe will go to any lengths to unmask a murderer. Even if it means jeopardizing his reputation by engaging in a scandalous affair with London's most provocative courtesan--the desirable but aloof Belinda Hamilton.

Bel has used her intelligence and wit to charm the city's titled gentlemen, while struggling to put the pieces of her life back together. She needs a protector, so she accepts Hawk's invitation to become his mistress in name only. He asks nothing of her body, but seeks her help in snaring the same man who shattered her virtue. Together they tempt the unforgiving wrath of society--until their risky charade turns into a dangerous attraction, and Bel must make a devastating decision that could ruin her last chance at love. . . .

Good, but not good enough 😕

The Duke is part of the Kinght Miscellany series that features all the Duke's brothers' love stories plus a couple of external to the family characters. So, if you don't particularly like one brother's story, there is always more!

This one is about Robert, The Paragon, honourable, loyal and just. But when he meets courtesan Belinda Hamilton, all thoughts of propriety go out the window and he falls hard for her.
The story was interesting, I have not read an HR with courtesans before. And the writing was really good, Foley has got all the naughty scenes down, making them as sexy and seductive as can be.

Personally, I had a hard time liking Bel.
Actually, this is something I've noticed about me in every HR I read: 90% of the time I don't care for the female MC but I have no problem with the male. I found all the ladies whiny, indecisive, demanding and plain insufferable.
The same with Bel. Yes, she had this horrible thing happen to her, which a lot of women never recover from. But her first thought after that is to become a courtesan...? Had she actually read the job description? Rule #1: you have to have sex with your clients, protectors, whatever they were called back then. What, she thought that she would land herself a rich dude that would give her all his money without wanting something in return? Of course, conveniently, she found Robert, who didn't want sex in return (!) as he was The Paragon!
However, he didn't object to a blow job from Bel, something she should not even dare to propose to perform after only being a courtesan for 5 weeks (not even). Let's not mention, that she was a lady before, and a virgin, so she would not have any sexual education at all. Anyway, it all seemed a bit too much to me.

At the end, even though she said in the beginning that she didn't care, Bell wanted marriage, which was clear from the start it was the one thing she couldn't have. So, when it came down it, she was mad at Robert for not marrying her and offering her security (!).
I mean, I get it was 1818 and that is probably an accurate depiction of women's mindset back then, but showing her as an independent and strong minded woman one time and as whiny brat the next, does not make a lot of sense and it definitely made me like Belinda even less.
Also, one more thing about FCs that I personally dislike: when they are described as outworldly beautiful, beauties that no one can resist. Especially, when other girls don't stand a chance compared to her because they are so "plain" or "demure". Um, no.

As for Robert, I felt so bad for him. He did everything for her, risked his stature and his life for her but she thought that ONLY if he married her, he would truly prove his love. Ugh.
Robert, I see you and you deserve better 👊

Overall, the Duke had its share of dramatic moments but there was just not enough angst for me. Robert and Belinda liked and wanted each other instantly so there was no build up whatsoever. She was taken into his home immediately, they went to their balls, their fancy dinners, they lived the life. And since we all know the ending is HEA, I'd prefer if the characters worked for it a little bit first.
As I said, not bad, but I have definitely read better HRs. Maybe the rest in the series are better.

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