Friday, March 12, 2010

READING : Feast Of Fools by Rachel Caine

In the town of Morganville, vampires and humans live in relative peace. Student Claire Danvers has never been convinced, though - especially with the arrival of Mr. Bishop, an ancient, old-school vampire who cares nothing about harmony. What he wants from the town's living and its dead is unthinkably sinister. It's only at a formal ball, attended by vampires and their human dates, that Claire realizes the elaborately evil trap he's set for Morganville.


The book picks up where the previous one left off.Mr.Bishop,Amelie's father, and his entourage have arrived at Morganville and Claire can feel everything changing.Her relationship with her friends is tested and a welcoming feast at the end,turns into a blood bath.

This book I felt, was a tad scarier and more somber than the others.
Eve's dad dies and even though she didn't have a relationship with him or her mother since they kicked her out, she struggled with her emotions and finally realising that whatever happened between them he was her dad and she loved him.His funeral is wonderfully written.
As is and I am sure will be, every bit that has Myrnin in.He is the most interesting book character I've seen in years. Every time he talks with Claire, I just can't get enough and I wish,for a minute,that the book was all about those two.Too much undeniable chemistry there, not my fault!
Another brilliant scene was the last one, the feast.Even though we haven't seen very much of Bishop,except in the first scene, and can't fully understand his fierceness,only as explained by others who know him,you can't help but feel a bit scared at the end when one by one people refused to swear fealty to him.I only wished the author had given us more Ysandre-Shane stuff because it was scary, perverse and amazing!By the end, there are two sides,Amelie's and Bishop's and a war is about to break out.

I couldn't possibly say something bad about a book in the Morganville series.It's just impossible.They have an amazing story and they are beautifully written.Feast Of Fools was no exception. Be aware, though.Another cliffhanger in the end!


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