Sunday, April 25, 2010

READING : Lord Of Misrule by Rachel Caine

Lord Of Misrule by Rachel Caine

Publication date: January 6th, 2009
Published by: Signet
Genre: YA Fiction, Paranormal
Rating: 4,5/5

In the college town of Morganville, vampires and humans coexist in (relatively) bloodless harmony. Then comes Bishop, the master vampire who threatens to abolish all order, revive the forces of the evil dead, and let chaos rule. But Bishop isn't the only threat.Violent black cyclone clouds hover, promising a storm of devastating proportions as student Claire Danvers and her friends prepare to defend Morganville against elements both natural and unnatural.

The book picks up right where Feast Of Fools left off.Vampires are choosing sides,Amelie and Bishop fight it out, while the humans try to take advantage of the situation and think they can get rid of the vamps' tyranny once and for all.Claire and the gang split up, in order to each follow Amelie' s orders.So, we get to see a lot of Claire, because even though the books are not written in first person, not a scene is described without Claire in it.

Plot was gripping and the book had so much action that the previous 4 books combined, can't top.
The only thing that felt a bit off to me, was the constant moving to dark places and portals which opened and closed at will,leading to God knows where, which seemed a bit in cohesive and tiring at some points.
Character development is,in my opinion,what kept the book together and made it stronger.Everything changes and no one remains unaffected.Michael is still trying to fully understand his new self, Eve tries to handle everything with humour and a carefree attitude,all the while trying to protect her friends and being scared all the time about what may happen to Michael, and Claire,well Claire is the link that keeps everyone together,even though she is the youngest and the weakest.She has the burden of finding a cure for the vampires,as their condition is starting to deteriorate, and also of working for Myrnin.I personally adore Myrnin and I think it was a very smart move of Caine creating him and a great addition to the books.I can't really talk about Myrnin's character development,because he changes so much, every time he's is a completely different person,which I guess is what makes him so damn interesting and exciting.Shane,I think, is the one most affected by the changes, crossing over from a boy to a man in this book.He decides to cut all ties with his father, positive now that he is nothing more than a psychopath,but you can clearly see that he struggles with it, it hurts him a lot to have to do it.Personally, I felt that the "I love you" scene was coming soon,and I was terrified!But,fortunately,it was perfect!It was completely natural and sweet and Shane-y, I guess.So, where the two of them,Claire and Shane,go from here?

In a jaw - dropping final scene get ready to be stunned, as everything you know turns upside down!
::Beware of the huge cliff hanger in the end::

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