Tuesday, January 25, 2011

READING : Slice Of Cherry by Dia Reeves

Slice Of Cherry by Dia Reeves

Publication date: January 4th, 2011
Published by: Simon Pulse
Source: Gift
Rating: I'll leave this one up to you

Kit and Fancy Cordelle are sisters of the best kind: best friends, best confidantes, and best accomplices. The daughters of the infamous Bonesaw Killer, Kit and Fancy are used to feeling like outsiders, and that’s just the way they like it. But in Portero, where the weird and wild run rampant, the Cordelle sisters are hardly the oddest or most dangerous creatures around.

It’s no surprise when Kit and Fancy start to give in to their deepest desire—the desire to kill. What starts as a fascination with slicing open and stitching up quickly spirals into a gratifying murder spree. Of course, the sisters aren’t killing just anyone, only the people who truly deserve it. But the girls have learned from the mistakes of their father, and know that a shred of evidence could get them caught. So when Fancy stumbles upon a mysterious and invisible doorway to another world, she opens a door to endless possibilities….
Slice Of Cherry is one of the weirdest, most disturbing and perverse books I have ever read.Do I like these kind of books?Hell,yeah!Did I like this one?I am still not sure.I seriously struggled with the 1st half but found myself loving the 2nd half.I am really torn when it comes to Slice Of Cherry and even now that I had some time to think it over, I still can't wrap my head around everything that went on and rate this book properly.Hope you won't hold that against me.

Let me start by saying that before you read Slice Of Cherry, I'd suggest reading Bleeding Violet first, Reeves's debut novel.Even though it has nothing to do with SOC's story or characters, it introduces you to Portero, a town well, let's just say A LOT different from the ones we are accustomed to.So if you find yourself wondering what the frak is going on when you read about people absent-mindendly kicking heads of dead bodies around on the street, stop and read Bleeding Violet.I hadn't, and it practically ruined the 1st half of the book for me, because I found it very hard to get into the book.

What I am certain of, however,is that Reeves's writing is beyond amazing!I mean, her imagination for one will leave you completely stunned as you feel you're constantly in a dream state while reading. You can forget about reality and anything slightly conventional.Just a pure,although pure has nothing to do with it,old gory, dark and twisted story, taken to a whole other level because of Reeves's exquisite writing that pulls you right in, even though the first thing you want to do is close the book and run as far away from it as possible.

I loved the sisters, Kit and Fancy, even though the normal reaction would be to hate them with a fiery passion for all the terrible and disgusting things they do to other people.But there is something genuine and honest behind their actions which you may not admire or condone but it will surely make you think twice before judging them. Also their idea of love and loyalty is so pragmatic and almost rational that you can't believe that it's possible for creatures like them, who take so much pleasure in torturing people, to think or feel that way.Kit and Fancy are without a doubt abominable and disgusting characters, who you just can't bring yourself to hate! 

Slice Of Cherry is a mixture of Lewis Carroll, Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, Graham Joyce all wrapped up in one dark, intense and twisted novel that will surely be the cause of many sleepless nights!

Oh and one last thing: this book is most definitely NOT a YA book!Why do people insist on categorizing it as YA, is beyond me!

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  1. Thank you for your review! I really enjoyed this book! And I especially admire Dia Reeves courage to create something out of the ordinary!

  2. I've read some mixed reviews about this one. Honestly by looking at the cover quick I thought it was a contemp romance. Still might check it out.

  3. Wow! I had NO idea that this book was about murder! You would never think that from the cute cover! I thought the blood was Cherry sauce or something lol! Guess I didn't look too carefully. I almost picked this up at the bookstore this weekend too...I will definitely have to get it soon!

    Tara @ TamingTheBookshelf.com

  4. The cover is very misleading, y'all!Be careful!

  5. Dia Reeves' books are so wonderfully bizarre, I can't wait to get my hands on this one.

  6. Just got this one. I read Bleeding Violet so I'm ready for more bizarre - although I'm still not sure how I feel about BV. But Reeves imagination is amazing! Great review!



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