Sunday, November 6, 2011

In My Mailbox (44)

::Thanks to the Story Siren for hosting IMM::

You Don't Have To Say You Love Me by Sarra Manning (GoodReads)
(Loooooved it! If you're in adult contemp. romance, pick it up ASAP!)

Ship Of Magic(Liveship Traders #1) by Robin Hobb (GoodReads)

The Mad Ship(Liveship Traders #2) by Robin Hobb (GoodReads)

Ship Of Destiny(Liveship Traders #3) by Robin Hobb (GoodReads)
(A huge thanks to my friend Evi for getting them for me :)
I promise, as soon as I finish Martin's books, I'll get right on them!)

What did you get in your mailbox?
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  1. Great set! I've never heard of Robin Hobb. I'll have to look up his or her books.
    My IMM

  2. I've never heard of these either but I hope that you enjoy :)

    Come visit my IMM and enter to win an Amazon Kindle Fire!

    Hippies, Beauty, and Books. Oh My!

  3. Ooh I love series, because if you like one, you are dying to read the next one. Good job getting three of them in a row. Great mailbox. Come visit me.

    Livre De Amour-Books of Love Blog

  4. Haven't heard of this series, but I'll check it out. Enjoy your books :)

  5. I haven't heard of Robin Hobb's series either, but I'm definitely checking it out because the Goodreads descriptions make it sound great!

    Books of Amber

  6. Awesome books!

    Here's mine:

  7. Wonderful haul! I have heard amazing things about this writer, though I have not read his books...yet! I hope you enjoy them all!
    New follower! I really love your banner! so freaking cute =9

    Also, I invite you to my giveaway! 3 winners and 12 hot YA titles from where you can choose from! ^_^
    My Giveaway!

    Happy reading!
    Dazzling Reads

  8. I've never read these books before! I don't read a lot of adult contemps, so it's always refreshing to see that they're picked up. I'm doing a feature where I review one or two adult books a month, and so now I have more reads to choose from(;

    - Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)

  9. Ooh - we have those Robin Hobb books at home - they were my Dad's - I've read her other series, and I liked it to start with but then I think it got a bit lost. Maybe I'll give this series a try sometime.
    You can see my IMM here: The Book Bundle


  10. Oh The Sarah book looks great! Just my type of read I'll def. have to check it out!

    Xpresso Reads



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