Thursday, August 3, 2017

READING: The Education of Caroline by Jane Harvey-Berrick

Publication date: February 7 2013
Published by: Harvey Berrick Publishing
Genre: Adult, Romance, Contemporary, Military

Ten years after their broken affair, Sebastian and Caroline meet again: this time in very different circumstances, against the background of the war in Afghanistan.

Now a successful journalist, Caroline meets Chief Sebastian Hunter, US Marine. Will this chance encounter rekindle the erotic madness of her passionate affair with a younger man? 

Where do I even start with this...

I adored The Education of Sebastian. Sebastian and Caroline's love story is just one for the ages. I love how sweet and gentle Sebastian was in TEoS and even his pig headedness I contributed to his young age and inexperience. Caroline was a very strong female character, who despite her insecurities, sadness and misery, took the terrifying step towards changing her life, consequences be dammed, and simply started living again. 

Fast forward 10 years, and we're at the beginning of TEoC. I will admit that I didn't care much for the 1st half. I was expecting the reunion to be quite different and way more emotional than it actually was. Long gone was Sebastian's sweetness and innocence, replaced by arrogance, and general assholeish behaviour. Additionally, Caroline who finally stood on her own two feet, not relying on any man to take care of her and having a kick ass job, was being bossed around by Sebastian. It's just something that didn't sit well with me. Granted, these 10 years and being a Marine hardened him but not that much as to justify his behaviour and victimise Caroline all over again, who bent over backwards to satisfy his every whim and fancy. So instead of feeling the romance and the love, Sebastian exuded anger and aggressiveness and Caroline fear and sadness, which was prominent on their multiple sex scenes as well. I must confess however that their journey through Geneva France and Italy was described masterfully. 
Going into the 2nd half of the book I was feeling defeated and ready to accept the fact that it wasn't going to be as good as TEoS. 
I was wrong. 

Part 2 takes place in Afghanistan where all the emotion and anguish and immense love finally comes out. Sebastian left his ego aside and finally showed his vulnerable side, opening up to Caroline who was always there to take care of him. Even through the tearful ending, her selfless love for him is the book's primary focus, making her the ultimate romance heroine. And she damn well deserves it. 

I honestly feel so empty and sad now that Sebastian and Caroline's story has come to an end, having being completely immersed in their world for the last couple of weeks. 
I will always cherish and remember these books and all the beautiful emotions they evoked.
Read them! 

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