Sunday, July 4, 2010

In My Mailbox (14)

::Thanks to the Story Siren for hosting IMM::

It was a pretty slow week for me mailbox-wise, buuuut I got me some very cool prezies!

From tour:

(this book is from International Book Tours)


(HUGE thanks to Alyssa, Jake and Gregory over at Teens Read And Write.Also look at these amazing bookmarks they send me!Cool, uh?Thanks so much, you guys :)

(HUGE thanks to Sophie from So Many Books, So Little Time)

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  1. Hey! Hope you have a great reading week :D

  2. Ooh, I just discovered your blog! You're Greek? That's so awesome. I'm from Brazil, hey. :D Have you ever read Whisper by Phoebe Kitanidis? Phoebe was born in the US but she moved to Greece when she was only one month old. I mean, she's pratically Greek and all her family is. You should try it, because I LOVED this book! :-) Lovely blog you have, btw.

  3. Knight Angels looks REALLY good!

  4. @Amelia : Thanks :)

    @TV and Book Adict: Doesn't it??I was dying to read this one and I think it'd be pretty soon.Excited!!!

    @Raila : Thank you very much for your kind words!
    You know what?I was always wondering about Kitanidis.I knew she has some Greek origins judging by her last name,but I thought it was like her great great grandparents were greek and that's it.Ohh,I'm going to follow her on twitter lol!
    As for Whisper, I heard great things and it's definitely in my TBR list.

  5. Great books this week! I really enjoyed Guardian of the Dead and I really want to read Deception and Knight Angels. Hope you enjoy them all!

    Cute blog too! ;)

  6. You got some great books this week. I really want to read all of them. lol Hope you enjoy them.

  7. @Leanna & Rae ; Thanks, you guys :) Leanna, I am really enjoying Guardian Of The Dead, too!

  8. I recently read Deception and really enjoyed it. Knight Angel is somewhere on my TBR stack too. Happy reading!

  9. LOL! Yeah, I thought only her parents were Greek, not that she had been there so many years and was pratically Greek, too. So... I'm following YOU on Twitter and just added you on Goodreads! :)

  10. fantastic books this week! love the covers! they all sound fantastic! i hope you enjoy them all! happy reading!

  11. Great books this week! Hun I didn't know you live in Greece! That's awesome :) I have family in Athens...

  12. Nice books! I've heard a lot about Deception and would like to read it someday. :)

    You have a beautiful blog too. Love the floral design on the left side!

  13. @Eleni : Greece rulz!!...on occasion :P I kinda figured from your name that you have greek origins.My sis's name is Eleni, too :)

    @Josette : Thank you!The design is from pyzam, I just removed the horrible orangy thingie that advertised pyzam because it hurt my eyes looking at it!

  14. Great books! Looking forward to your reviews (Especially Guardian Dead).
    These are the ones we got this week: Vlog
    Take care!
    Book ♥ Soulmates

  15. Deception and Knight Angels both look awesome! I am jealous.
    Happy Reading! Here’s mine if you wanna check it out.



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