Sunday, July 18, 2010

In My Mailbox(16)

::Thanks to the Story Siren for hosting IMM::


For Review:

(This book is from NetGalley)

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  1. Hex Hall! It's so good! I hope you like it as much as I did, Giota! Also... Beautiful Creatures sounds ah-mazing and feel like I'm the only one in the whole world who have not gotten it yet. lol. Happy reading! :)

  2. Hey! Really really REALLY hoping you like BEAUTIFUL CREATURES :)
    My copy is sitting on the bookshelf crying because I haven't gotten to it yet :P
    Have a great week!

  3. I cant wait to read Hex Hall. I have a copy waiting for my at my library!=)
    I hope you like BC- There were some slow parts but overall it was enjoyable and I cant wait to read book 2!!=)

    Here is my IMM:

    Enjoy your reads this week!!

  4. Beautiful Creatures and Hex Hall are both amazing. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

  5. @Everyone : i am so relieved that I am not the last person in the whole world that hasn't read Beautiful Creatures!I really thought I was!But it's quite a big book, so it's perfectly understandable why someone might decide not to read it right away.I hope I'll read it soon and tell you guys about it :)

  6. Great books this week - hope you enjoy! :)

  7. Hex Hall looks really good.



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