Thursday, August 26, 2010


I am very very proud to announce that yesterday I received the One Lovely Blog Award from Missy @ Missy's Reads & Reviews.Thank you so so much, Missy!!!

Here is how the award works:

1. Accept the award. Post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2. Pay it forward to 15 other bloggers that you have newly discovered.(I don't know if I can come up with 15 but I'll try...)

3. Contact those blog owners and let them know they've been chosen.

And the blogs I have chosen are:

Books To Brighten Your Mood (my fellow greek avid reader:)
La Femme Readers (Eleni, you're amazing!)
Imagination In Focus (love your writing, Amelia!)
Once Upon A Bookcase (awesome reviews, Jo!)
I Heart Monster (my first read along!)
Bloody Bookaholic (because I agree with her on almost everything!)
Teens Read And Write (you're not afraid to say what you think)
The Undercover Book Lover (Not Really) (love my fellow administrators!)
The Story Siren (because her In My Mailbox post is the first thing I read-or watch-on Sunday!)
Book Fanatic (my first followers!Thank you guys!)

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  1. thank you so very much for the award! i am honored!! hope you have a wonderful day! happy reading!

  2. Thanks so much for the award, Giota! I really appreciate it! And thank you for the compliment :)
    I have already received this award, but I will link to your blog on my awards page. Cheers!

  3. Thank you for thinking of me!! :)

  4. You're welcome you guys, you deserve it!

  5. Thanks so much :o) ♥ We've got another Read Along scheduled for November! Did you catch it? Hope you'll join us!!

  6. Yeah I know and I've heard such great things about the book but I am not sure what I feel about aliens :/ Besides, it's pretty expensive for me to buy in HB, so maybe I'll wait for it to come out in PB.
    I am sorry I'll miss the read along,though :(



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