Thursday, May 26, 2011

READING: Nightshade & Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer

Nightshade - Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer

Publication dates: October 19th 2010 - July 26th 2011
Published by: Philomel
Genre: YA Paranormal
Ratings: 3/5 - 6/5

Calla Tor has always known her destiny: After graduating from the Mountain School, she'll be the mate of sexy alpha wolf Ren Laroche and fight with him, side by side, ruling their pack and guarding sacred sites for the Keepers.
But when she violates her masters' laws by saving a beautiful human boy out for a hike, Calla begins to question her fate, her existence, and the very essence of the world she has known. By following her heart, she might lose everything— including her own life. Is forbidden love worth the ultimate sacrifice?

Calla Tor wakes up in the lair of the Searchers, her sworn enemy, and she's certain her days are numbered. But then the Searchers make her an offer–one that gives her the chance to destroy her former masters and save the pack–and the man–she left behind. Is Ren worth the price of her freedom? And will Shay stand by her side no matter what? Now in control of her own destiny, Calla must decide which battles are worth fighting and how many trials true love can endure and still survive.
*There are some spoilers in my Nightshade review but none in the Wolfsbane one. However, I suggest you read Nightshade before reading the Wolfsbane review*

First let me tell you the reason I chose these covers: they are pretty and the new ones are hideous. That simple.

OK I seriously have to put my thoughts in order here because there is so much I want to say.
Here we go.

Nightshade:To be honest, I was instructed numerous times by many of my friends to NOT read Nightshade. I thought I'd give it a try regardless. Turns out they were partially right.
I mean, OK. NS is practically story-less and the only story in it is cleverly crafted to justify the 450-page love triangle. NS is all about Calla, Ren and Shay and Calla's choice between the two. On the side, you get some information about the wolf regime and the dynamics between the separate packs, the Banes and the Nightshades.
Character-wise I must admit Calla frustrated me the most. I get that she is torn and fell in love with some other guy at the last minute but does she have to be such a drama queen about it? I can't even remember how many times "her legs wobbled" or "her heart skipped a beat" or "she held the tears that were threatening to come down her face".
EVERY TIME, that's how many times!
I also hate it when some girls assume that just because 2 guys want her, other girls are not allowed to like said guys. I know that being territorial comes with being a wolf, but come on. It only made her look like a snotty brat.
All the other characters I liked, except maybe for Shay and that's because it seemed to me like he was constantly feeding Calla's vanity instead of trying to diminish it. I think my favorite character was Ansel, Calla's brother. He was cool.
Shay's audacious flirting with Calla in front of Ren and Calla turning him into a wolf at half the time it takes to say "ridiculous" - let's not even go there!

Wolfsbane: So why, since I didn't enjoy Nightshade, did I decide to read Wolfsbane you ask? Yeah, good question.
It was on my shelf. It's as simple as that. So I thought what the hell? I didn't HATE Nightshade with a fiery passion, so why not give it a second chance? "Maybe Wolfsbane gets a little better"  I thought. 
Oh, and it got better all right. It got A LOT better. So much so that I still can't believe how books 1 and 2 in a series can be that different.
In my opinion, Wolfsbane was a completely different story than Nightshade.
A different STORY. As in it actually had one. A complicated, interesting, intriguing, nail-biting story.It's been a while since I read a book that just totally sucked me in, one that is so engrossing you feel like you're a part of it. That was Wolfsbane. From the first page to the very last.
In WB we learn a lot about the Searchers, who fascinated me in NS and I was so pissed that there was no info on them in it. WB is all about them and their story, how they got to be who they are, what's their purpose and what are their true intensions towards the wolves. 
A lot of new characters are introduced and I liked them all. Well, Calla I continued to dislike but maybe a little less than in NS. You might get a bit overwhelmed at first, having to adjust to new surroundings and a new way of life, but you'll get the hang of it really fast. Every character is distinguishable and not one falls under the radar. Everyone and everything is important in WB. A lot of exposition is going on and you have to pay attention to every detail. The plot is so dense and there are sooo many things happening.Some I saw coming but others took me completely by surprise and that's saying something, considering I'm paranoid and I suspect everyone!
I don't know what else to say about Wolfsbane, really. I was totally hooked, at the point of biting someone's hand off if they tried to take the book away from me! The only thing I regret was reading the ARC so soon, meaning I now have to wait 9 moths(!) to read Bloodrose!
Wolfsbane: buy it, read it, love it!

1. Try to not get too attached to some of the new characters. Just saying…
2. Ren fans, please don't be disappointed. I'm sure Bloodrose will make it up to you. Us ;)
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  1. Love the review. And yeah, I don't get how Shay and Calla fell in love in one month. Kind of silly. Whatever. (I LOVE Nightshade, btw). It annoys me when characters are flawless, like Shay. Except his name sucked, sorry.

  2. I just have a question :P it says release date july 26th and u already read it o: where did u get it? :c i've been waiting a long time for this onee so im just like whaaat? :3 just saying, btw, i loveee ur blog.. i pretty much read the same stuff so i get ideas for what to read next ^^

  3. I'm just starting to read Wolfsbane and can't seem to really get into it, but I'm hoping that it'll be easier after reading this review!

    -Amanda @

    BTW Did you get the wolfsbane with the old cover? If so, I'm envious!

  4. I TOTALLY AGREE with you on the i like all the characters except for Shay. I LOVED REN!! Shay really pissed me off because he kept enforcing his views onto her. I really wish that REN and CALLA would be together. In my own version Ren and Calla are together and Shay dies... ok too harsh, but he's out of the picture.



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