Monday, May 9, 2011

SHIFT Blog Tour! READING: Shift by Jeri Smith-Ready + GIVEAWAY!!!

Welcome to the next stop in SHIFT by Jeri Smith-Ready Blog Tour! Today, I am gonna share my thoughts on Shift, the sequel to Shade, with you.Those of you that haven't read Shade, what are you waiting for??Go read it!!And then come back and read my review! Please :)

Shift (Shade #2) by Jeri Smith-Ready

Publication date:May 3d, 2011
Published by:Simon Pulse
Genre: YA Paranormal
Source: Simon&Schuster Galley Grab
Rating: 5/5
Aura’s life is anything but easy. Her boyfriend, Logan, died, and his slides between ghost and shade have left her reeling. Aura knows he needs her now more than ever. She loves Logan, but she can’t deny her connection with the totally supportive, totally gorgeous Zachary. And she’s not sure that she wants to.
Logan and Zachary will fight to be the one by her side, but Aura needs them both to uncover the mystery of her past—the mystery of the Shift.

As Aura’s search uncovers new truths, she must decide whom to trust with her secrets…and her heart.
I have to admit, I've put myself in a very difficult postion: not only did I finish Shift in a day and then I didn't have Shine to read immediately afterwards, not only Karen had offered me to participate in the Shift blog tour she would be the host of, now I have to write a review and find a way to even remotely express the emotions that Shift stirred up in me. Brilliant, incredible, awesome, amazing, beautiful, breathtaking. Shift was all that and more.

Honestly, I don't think there is a reason to dwell on Jeri's writing. From the first couple of pages in Shade I knew she is a criminally-talented person, with an insane taste in music and I totally envy her for that! So me praising Jeri's writing skills is kinda redundant because it's already been established, it's an undeniable fact.

Now, to the story. Everyone who knows me knows I am Team Logan all the way (and here I promised myself not to use the word "team" in this review,ugh!). Especially after the first scene, which admittedly is one of the best things I have ever read, I thought I couldn't possible love him more. But something happened in Shift and I found that Zack began to grow on me by the end of the book. Don't get me wrong, I am not about to start having second thoughts about Logan and suddenly become this huge Zach fan, but now I kinda get why Aura wants him in her life, he's a cool and interesting guy. And that prom-scene…whew!Hot Hot Hot!

So, I had no problem with any of the guys in Shift. The only problem I had was with THE girl, Aura. Well, not a problem per se, but let's just say a slight disagreement.
Like how I seriously cringed when Aura acted a certain way with a certain someone.
I know I am a huge tease telling you about this scene and that scene, but since I don't want to spoil the book for those of you who haven't read it yet, I have to and want to comment on some parts of it that drew my attention. Otherwise, my review would be nothing but "Awesome. I loved it. Team Logan FTW". Ah, I wish it was that simple!

But I digress. Back to Aura.
I'm still not sure what to think of Aura's actions, to be honest. No idea why she did what she did. Not that it is such a big deal which she can never come back from,no. But it still seems pretty off to me. I am certain that there is a reason behind this sudden change of character, because I believe Shade's Aura would never have done what Shift's Aura did. Maybe she is still confused and an emotional mess after what happened to Logan and she's still trying to figure out her feelings towards Zack, although they're pretty clear to me. Those of you who've read Shift and know what I'm talking about, I'm looking forward to your input in this.
Also I didn't like her being relieved when she didn't see Logan whenever she was about to meet Zack. He was the love of your life, girl! Relief is not a feeling you should have. But again, this is totally subjective since I'm Logan's girl and felt a little sad that he didn't appear a lot in this book.

Long story short, I LOVED SHIFT WITH ALL MY HEART!!!I'm in love with Jeri's writing and her world building and please please can I have Shine now??Because trust me! After finishing Shift you're gonna want to read it right away!

*A huge thanks goes out to Karen @ For What It's Worth for putting all this together and for letting me participate in the tour without me even asking, to Jeri for being such an amazing writer and person and to Simon&Schuster's publishing for providing me with an egalley of Shift. Although why they decided to torture us by not printing any ARCs of Shine, I do not know! :)

Jeri Smith-Ready’s latest release is SHIFT (May 3), the second in the YA ghost trilogy that began last year with SHADE (now available in paperback). She loves to hear from readers, so please visit her at, or better yet, on Facebook ( or Twitter (@jsmithready), where she spends far too much time.



Prizes: Winner # 1 gets a signed copy of SHIFT, plus a shiny "Celtic bookmark," courtesy of Jeri.

Winner #2 gets an unsigned copy of SHIFT, courtesy of Jeri’s publisher.


Just leave a comment below with your email address in order to enter. This giveaway is open to everyone for the next 24 hours, when a winner will be announced at this blog.

Additionally all commenters will be entered into a draw to win the Grand Prize - annotated copies of SHADE and SHIFT, an early copy of SHINE (book three of the series, of which there will be no other ARCS) and an iPod Shuffle!

Thank you and good luck :)

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  1. Ohhh, awesome review, G! I've read Shade (and have the ARC stashed somewhere in my bookshelf) and I absolutely love it! So it's not weird that I'd probably give a piece of me just to get an ARC of Shift. And that gorgeous bookmark! Thanks for making the giveaway International!

    amaterasureads AT gmail DOT com

  2. EPIC international giveaway!(You've totally gained your blog a lifelong follower for this!) Excitement!

  3. Shift was an emotional read for me, too. I loved every second of it!!!


  4. I'm so looking forward to reading Shift! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy!!

    Awesome giveaway too, thank you!! ;)


  6. The book sounds like something I'd really like, so fingers and toes are crossed that I will win!! jwitt33(at)live(dot)com

  7. I ordered my copy of shift two days ago and i can't wait to read it!!


  8. awesome giveaway. I would love to win.
    Thank you so much

  9. I can't wait to read this!!! Thank you so much!

  10. This is a fantastic giveaway! I'm so totally hooked by the blurbs, excerpt, and now a review, I can't wait to read Shade AND Shift!!! (I'm totally stalking Jeri on every blog I can find...only on blogs! =D


  11. My copy of Shift arrived, but I may have to hold off reading it. I don't konw it I am in the mood to cry today. :-D

    bigferret at email dot com

  12. The book sound like it's really good! I would like to have the chance to read it. Thank you for this chance! I love the shiny Celtic bookmark too! *fingers crossed*

  13. Thanks for the awesome review, this sounds so good!!

    inthehammockblog at gmail dot com

  14. What a great blog/review! Everyone says this book is amazing. I would love to read it. Thanks!

  15. Awesome giveaway, would love to read this series :)


  16. That's amazing! Thank you so much! :) Totally love the bookmarks! <3

  17. I finally broke down and got Shade when it came out in paperback. I'd love to win a copy of Shift to go with it.

    jen at delux dot com

  18. Thank you for the great giveaway!!!

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  19. I cannot wait to get my chance to read Shift. I absolutely adored Shade. Excellent review. My future sounds promising :)

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  20. It sounds like Shift is even better than Shade!
    Sooo looking forward to reading it :)


  21. Shiny things, lol I'd love to win, thanks for the chance.


  22. I haven't read this series but your review makes me want to give it a go.

    Lesley1567 at gmail dot com

  23. Book marks are great and books even more add the signed part and it's a contest I just have to enter.

    Thank you for this and for having a beautiful blog:-)



  24. thanks for the chance to win^^

    eveningreen (at) gmail (dot) com

  25. I kind of got, Aura and how she felt and what she did. Such an awesome book, wasn't it? Glad you loved it too and thanks to all for another contest.

  26. Wicked giveaway and great review! Thanks for the chance :-)

  27. I have to say that I got what Aura was going through. Aura did act differently in Shift because she isn't the same girl that she was in Shade and because she's still grieving for Logan (even though she can technically still see him). And grief can make you do some strange things. She's growing up and realizing that while Gina's methods may be wrong, her belief is right. Logan can't stay a ghost forever. Not can't, Shouldn't. Shift was a really emotional book. I finished it in one day too so we're in the same boat, waiting forever for Shine!

    AmethystDaydreams at zoho dot com

  28. Great review by the way and I can't wait to read Shift and most likely Shine too! Thank you for opening the giveaway to international readers!

  29. I'm still not sure what side I'm on but hopefully I will be able to decide after Shine is published in 2012. Such a crazy long wait though after finishing Shift, which was sooo amazing! I also read it through Galley Grab but ordered my own copy right away.

  30. Great review - it really is a great book, although I agree with what you said about Aura. But it all ties in with her personality in the first book and I think she comes out of it all pretty well and more sorted. Sort of!

  31. Great review even though I am team Zach. I'm dying to read Shine when Jeri finishes it!! A whole year is pure torture.

  32. Just stopping by to say a big THANKS for the review, and thanks for hosting a stop on the SHIFT blog tour! You are awesome. :-)

  33. Thanks so much for this giveaway!!

  34. I'd love to read this. Thanks for the giveaway!

    erinberry12 at charter dot net

  35. Awesome giveaway I just met Jeri at a convention two months ago. Thanks for the giveaway

  36. Thanks for the chance to win!

    melodiousrevelry (At) gmail (dot) com

  37. Thanks for the giveaway. The book sounds good!


  38. Thanks for the giveaway!!! I loved Shade and Shift :)

  39. Great review Giota! I haven't even read Shade and you've managed to make me want to read it so, so much! I think it's going to be one of the books I order next!

    Thanks for the chance!!


  40. at first i was like "AURA WTF?!" but i think she was just looking for someone to fill a void & kinda distract her. SHIFT was completely amaze, it blew me away! I am still trying to process all the stuff that happened!!

    oh yes and totes agree TEAM LOGAN FTW!!! aw, i love him! <3
    great review! :)

  41. Thank you for the in-depth review and for the wonderful giveaway!!


  42. I'd love to find out what happens next in the series. Shade left me hanging...

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    whatinabox at gmail dot com

  43. Fantastic review!! The fact that Shift actually made you want to take a peek under a certain someone's kilt (okay, putting words in your mouth - but he grew on you! That's a start!) - it makes me super excited, since I'm Team Zach and can't wait to see more of him. Not that I don't love Logan, I do, I just can't pass up that Scottish accent ;)

    You've made me all the more excited to read this, I can't wait to get my hands on a copy!

    And thanks for the giveaway!

  44. Wonderful review! So glad to have you on the tour!!!

  45. I need to get my hands on this copy! So excited :D


  46. Cristina :
    It is hard to do a review without any spoilers, huh? I loved this book even though i missed Logan a lot. I also believe the same thing that you didn't approve Aura did, was my favorite part of the whole book. (the D thing?)I actually thought about it since the first book, so i was a little surprised but totally happy it did happen.

  47. I read the first book, and I'm looking forward to the next one! Thanks for the giveaway.

  48. count me in! Would want to read Shift! :)

    -Len of Musings of a Reader Happy

  49. Fantastic giveaway! Loved the interview!

    cris_mv at hotmail dot com

  50. Thanks for the giveaway! Can't wait to read Shift.

  51. I liked your review and how you added the Good Reads summary, I've entered all of these and haven't won yet :( *fingers crossed* Thank you!

  52. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!! I can't wait to read this book.

  53. Thanks for sharing!! Cant wait to get to read it.

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  54. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Awesome review! I can't wait to read Shift!

    elainareads AT aol DOT com

  55. Great review and thanks for the giveaway! I'd so want to read this!


  56. Great review! :D Very interested of this prom scene now haha

  57. Oops forgot my email earlier ;)

  58. Oh, I hope it's not late! I'd love to be entered...Thank you for the review :)

    judittten at gmail dot com

  59. @Karen @Jeri I humbly thank you ladies :)

  60. I just received my copy of Shade a couple of weeks ago, so I'm all set to discover Jeri Ready-Smith's new series! :-D

    Thank you for the fantastic giveaway, please count me in too. :-)

    stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

  61. Hiya!
    I've been on the lookout for this series for a while now and after reading your 5 stars review I'm even more eager to read it. Jeri Ready-Smith is an amazing writer! Thank you for the opportunity!

  62. Great giveaway. I'm lookingfoward to reading Shift.

    sgiden at

  63. Thanks guys for all the comments! <3
    Winner will be announced shortly on this blog.

    Comments' section is now closed



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