Monday, October 17, 2011

Sirenz Back In Fashion Cover Reveal Bomb!

The Sirenz Back In Fashion Cover Reveal Bomb is ON! Sirenz Back In Fashion, the sequel to Sirenz by Charlotte Bennardo and Natalie Zaman will be hitting the shelves in June 2012—but for now, enjoy the new cover! 

We’re having a mega-giveaway to celebrate. The Sirenz Back In Fashion cover is debuting simultaneously on SEVEN different blogs. Visit all of us to enter and win prizes—yes, that’s PRIZES as in more than one!

How will the adventures of Meg and Shar continue? Visit these blogs to see if you can figure out what happens next:

Each blogger is giving away a very special charm necklace which symbolizes something from Sirenz Back In Fashion. It could be an important object, or represent a significant place or character… or god!
This is the dice charm:

and the dice necklace:

Leave a comment on what you think of the new cover and what you think that particular charm means, along with your email address to enter. You can comment to win on EVERY participating blog! This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL—let’s spread the Sirenz love around the world!

A CLUE from Natalie Zaman:

"Oooo are Shar and Meg lucky... or unlucky?"

Good luck :)

Contest CLOSED

Once all blogger drawings are complete, another drawing of ALL entries from ALL blogs will take place for a grand prize to be
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  1. I think that the dice charms are here to symbolize luck and pure chance. It's the roll of the dice, the idea that there is no control over what will happen but that it's just going to happen.

    As for the cover, I like the cartoon design and I think that it makes the characters pop off the cover! Is it funny that every time I look at the cover I look at their clothes and then my eyes are directly drawn to their shoes? O.o?

  2. I love the cover. It is so bright and cute. About the charm the only I can think that it symbolizes the luck.
    The necklace is great and thank you for the giveaway!

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  3. Oooo are Shar and Meg lucky... or unlucky?

  4. NAT: Alright, Alright, you can use my account. You'd think being a god you'd be able to just snap your fingers or something...

    HADES: Zeus controls the internet. I'm going to have to have a word with him. "You don't own that identity" Who does he think he is?

    NAT: Just post your message, OK?

    HADES: We'll talk about your respect issues later. Hello mon amors! To answer naughty Natty's question, Of course they're lucky! They have ME in their lives. And speaking of (cue AbbA)--does anyone want to take a chance? On me, that is. ;) xxHades

  5. I think that the dice charms mean Shar and Meg's deal with Hades. Their becoming special-assignment Sirens for Hades signifies a bet on their lives.

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  6. I don't know the story yet but i think the dice means luck and/or chance

    i love the greek aspect of the cover

    thanks for this giveaway


  7. I haven't heard of this book before, but I love the cover! It looks great. I want to read the book because the cover looks, well, awesome!

    I think the charm represents luck or the fact of being unpredictable. You never know what you get when you roll the dice ;)

    Email: osnapitzAngiex3(AT)aol(DOT)com

  8. the cover is cute

    I think the dice signifies the fine-print in their contracts



  9. I love the cover. I thinks it's so cute.

    I think the dice represent luck and how sometimes people don't have any control over what happens to them; sometimes it is just pure chance.

    klamber1 at unca dot edu

  10. The cover is awesome and sassy!! LOVE IT!! I think the dice obviously mean luck, but I think that we make our own luck in life. I 100% believe in the power of positive thinking and talking things into exisitence. Meaning that while we may not have control over everything and yes somethings may happen regardless, if you think positive and tell yourself that good things are coming thats what you are going to bring yourself. If you are one of those pessimistic people that just about anything doesnt go your way and youkeep saying "oh thats just my luck" then yes that will be your luck. Remember that your mind is a powerful tool and will remember what you say and what you feed it. Feed it negative you will recieve "bad luck" feed it good quality stuff and watch how much more "good luck" comes your way. Sarah-

  11. cute cover.
    I think the charm represents...taking a chance/luck



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