Friday, May 7, 2010

READING : Carpe Corpus by Rachel Caine

Carpe Corpus by Rachel Caine
Publisher: Signet
Publication date: June 2nd, 2009
Source: Bought
Rating: 5/5
In the small college town of Morganville, vampires and humans lived in (relative) peace - until all the rules got rewritten when the evil vampire Bishop arrived, looking for the lost book of vampire secrets. He's kept a death grip on the town ever since. Now an underground resistance is brewing, and in order to contain it, Bishop must go to even greater lengths. He vows to obliterate the town and all its inhabitants - the living and the undead. Claire Danvers and her friends are the only ones who stand in his way. But even if they defeat Bishop, will the vampires ever be content to go back to the old rules, after having such a taste of power?
Carpe Corpus takes place a few months after the end of Lord Of Misrule.Bishop is still ruling the town, Shane and his dad are still imprisoned, Claire stays with her parents and continues to do Bishop's despicable errands, town is in a complete disarray and Amelie and Oliver are still MIA.But sides and teams are not what they seem, and people, well,not people per se, can sometimes surprise you!

Carpe Corpus is another great installment in the Morganville Vampire series.It is full with action and emotion, all the while not missing its clever humor and funny moments.
I try really hard not to add spoilers to my reviews, but I just have to make an exception with this one.

At last!Shane and Claire!Honestly, I'm glad Caine waited so long to write this scene, because it seemed to be the right moment-after Shane was set free-and all fit perfectly.I loved the realistic way, in which Caine described the whole thing.How both were very nervous, especially Shane who wanted to be as gentle and sweet as possible, and how in the end, Claire thinks that it was not that big of a deal, after all.It was wonderful that her first time was with someone she loved and everything, but she was also honest about feeling awkward and not expecting bells ringing and fireworks afterwards.Beautiful!

Myrnin. Every time I think I can't possibly like Myrnin more,he proves me wrong!He is one of the most interesting book characters,in my opinion.Everything about him is intriguing and exciting.From his attitude, his demeanor, the way he speaks, the way he moves, to the way he dresses!Also, he is a constant source of clever and humorous retorts,especially when he has conversations with Claire, with whom he has an electrifying chemistry.Now, I am not really sure about the vampire robot, Ada.Granted, it's a great and a very original, to say the least, idea, but it seems to me that it is kind of  the solution for everything now.Like when she saved Claire's  and the others' lives, more than once.Don't get me wrong, I love her addition to the books and I want to learn more about her history with Myrnin. But I'm not sure where her story is headed.

I was very sad about Sam dying.He was someone that you instantly liked, someone serious and not noticeable, but very kind and caring.I'm gonna miss him.

Claire's kidnapping in the end.What was that about?An end to Dean's story?Nobody really cared about Dean in the first place!Completely unnecessary, if you ask me.

Overall, the Morganville Vampire series has yet to disappoint me.On the contrary, it seems that each installment is better than the other.Caine's writing is amazingly clever and funny,which makes all her books a tremendous joy to read!

*This is the first Morganville book that does not have a cliffhanger in the end.So, if you want to leave the Morganville series aside for a bit and read something else,I guess this is the book to do it.

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